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Lawn Domination's lushious grass

Dominating Northern Indiana One Lawn at a Time

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The Domination Difference

Healthy Lawn, Healthy Family

We believe in high-quality organic lawn care that’s safe for kids, pets, and our environment. Our philosophy in quality lawn care go further than just a beautiful lawn that you can see, we look beneath the surface for healthy soil and roots. Our programs and dedicated team will assist you every step of the way, glorifying God in the process.

Lawn Domination keeps your family healthy
Lawn Domination fights pesky weeds

Feed your lawn the best

We offer four tiers of packages, all of them ready, and fully capable of dominating your lawn. We know that every lawn (and wallet) has different needs. That's why we also offer a wide range of add-on plans so that your lawn gets the tailored care it needs.

Lawncare Plans

Pro Mowing

  • Hard edging around cement areas.
  • Trimming around all objects, fences, and anything we can not cut.
  • Bidirectional mowing lines.
  • Includes Winter services.
  • Weekly or Biweekly visits.
  • Spring, Summer, and Fall
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Ultimate Organic

  • NEW for 2025 - 100% Organic Weed Control.

  • FREE Grub Control.
  • Humic and bio-solids for quick uptake of nutrient.

  • Micro nutrients give your lawn everything else needed for a healthy growth.

  • Every 5 weeks.

  • 7 applications per season.
  • Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter
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Elite Hybrid Organic

  • Designed for large properties over an acre or larger.

  • Professional products that won’t cost a fortune.

  • Full weed control to stop all the hard to kill weeds.

  • Combination of organic and synthetic fertilizers.

  • Every 6 weeks.

  • 6 applications per season.
  • Spring, Summer, and Fall
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Add-On Services

3 Steps BG
Lawn Domination's 3 steps to a great lawn

Mow. Water. Fertilize.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Normal results will range depending on when your lawn service starts. We recommend starting in spring to get all the key properties your lawn needs. Most lawns will see immediate results while others might take longer due to elements out of our control. Once you start on a lawn care plan, we recommend staying with it to give your lawn what it needs.

There are two types of turf; cool season, and warm season. Cool-season lawns grow around 68-77 degrees while warm-season lawns grow around 86-95 degrees. The main types of cool-season turf are; Kentucky Bluegrass (KBG), Turf Type Tall Fescue (TTF), Perennial Ryegrass, and Creeping Bentgrass (Golf Courses). The main types of warm-season turf are; Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, St. Augustine grass, Bahia grass, and Centipede grass. If you aren’t sure of your grass type, you can always send it to a lab and they can determine your grass species.

Different grasses require different lengths to grow healthy. Most of the cool-season grasses require 2.5-4 feet of length while warm-season grass requires

The use of organic fertilizer and organic micronutrients is much better than systemic products. They won’t burn your lawn or cause any skin allergies. They are safe around pets and kids while still helping your lawn grow. Most organic fertilizers are made from biosolids or plant-based products, so you know what is going into the soil. Organic products with help with nutrient uptake, break down clay particles and help with root uptake.

Nitrogen is the driving force of your lawn by pushing the growth and color of your lawn. Phosphorus stimulates root growth and helps the plant fight disease. Potassium helps with stress from heat and builds drought tolerances.

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